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ANT Lawyers is supported by a team of experienced patent, trademark, design attorneys with qualification and skills handling full range of legal services relating to intellectual property in Vietnam. We have specialized in the preparation and registration of patents, trademarks and designs for our clients

IP services in Vietnam

ANT Lawyers is a member of International Bar Association, Vietnam Bar Federation, Hanoi Bar Association. We are an exclusive Vietnam law firm member of Prae Legal, a global law firm network spanning 5 continents and 150 countries.

Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 8, 2017

The Benefit from Protecting Invention Patent

How to Protect Invention Patent in Vietnam?

Invention protection shall bring advantages for the owner of invention including the usage and application within the duration of 20 years. As Law on intellectual property of Vietnam, an invention patent shall be valid from the grant date until the end of twenty (20) years after the filing date.
Besides, Invention patent can bring its owner the followings:
The steady position on the market: with the invention patent, the owner of the invention shall have rights to prevent others from using their invention with commercial purpose. This will reduce the competitive capacity of competitors and bring preferred position for the owner.
Right to sell and license the invention: in case owners of inventions cannot use their invention by themself, they can sell or license the use of their inventions to other people or companies. They can license only the right of use and sell all of their inventions. This does not only bring them a lot benefits but also avoid risks because of the competition on the market.
When your inventions have been commercialized and got the significant position on the market, other companies or people might tend to copy and use your invention illegally or sell other products which are similar to yours. If your inventions were not properly registered at competent authority, the competitors and violators can use your inventions without breaching of law.
Therefore, it is essential to register a new invention to protect the owner’s rights to avoid unfair competition on the market.

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Procedure of Invention Registration in Vietnam

How to Register Patent in Vietnam?

Invention means a technical solution in the form of a product or process which is intended to solve a problem by application of natural laws. Each invention is the result of a serious, painstaking work-study process by the inventor. However, right of industrial property shall only be established by the registration procedure, and the scope of protection is defined in the patent. Therefore, without prior registration at governmental competent authorities, right of industrial property could be violated.
With highly professional staff and great experience in IP aspect, ANT Lawyers would like to support you in registering patent in Vietnam as follow:
Required information
  • Title of invention/ utility solution;
  • Name, address and nationality of the applicant (s);
  • Name, address and nationality of the investor (s);
  • Information of priority document: Nation, number of applications and dossiers for priority right;
  • International dossiers/ or publication (if any).
For dossiers applied as national application
  • 01 original Power of Attorney – POA (No need for notarization). The Copy of POA shall be accepted for filling but the original shall be submitted within 03 months since the date of filling.
  •  02 copies of an invention description. An invention description must consist of the section of invention description and the invention protection coverage;
  • 02 Drawings, photos or description (if any);
  • 01 notarized copy of document to prove prior right (only for dossiers have prior right under the Paris Convention). The document shall be submitted within 03 months since the date of filling.
For dossiers applied as PCT application.
  • 03 English declaration for registration originating in Vietnam
  •  02 copies of an invention description (including images, if any);
  • 02 written request of protection;
  • Related documents (if any);
Dossiers can be submitted at National Office of Intellectual property or International Office or sent via post office.

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How to Handle Rejection of International Trademark Registration In Vietnam By The NOIP?

Cancellation Against of Trademark in Vietnam

The procedure to register a trademark in Vietnam is carried out at the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam (NOIP). The duration calculated from the full receipt of the dossier to the announcement is at least 12 months, or it can be expended from 16 months to 18 months.
However, in many cases, NOIP could send a notice on its intended refusal of the trademark application because of the following reasons:
-There are grounds to affirm that the subject matter stated in the application does not fully satisfy the conditions for protection;
-If there are more than one registration applied in the same time with full conditions to issue the protection title, but your application is not the first.
After receiving the refusal intention notice, applicants and all organizations and individuals have rights to reject the notice within 02 months, this duration can be extended one time, the extended time is 02 months.
If reasons in the notice are not correct and the applicant does not agree with the notice, within the given duration, the applicant could send written comment to NOIP, in which display the applicant’s comment, submit supplemental documents and proof to support.
After receiving the written comment, NOIP shall re-examine before issue the final decision.
The time limit for re-examination of applications is equal to two thirds of the time limit for examination; for complicated cases involving many circumstances which need to be verified or requiring expert opinions, that time limit may be prolonged but must not exceed the time limit for examination. Re – examination is only carried out one time.
However, in many cases, the applicant cannot display convincing arguments or reliable proofs, that makes NOIP does not agree and keep their own intention to refuse issuing the protection title. Therefore, when receiving intention notice to refuse issuing protection titles, applicants should find legal advice from consultants who have experience in intellectual property.

Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 8, 2017

Time Limit of Trademark Protection Extension

Procedure of extending mark certificate in Vietnam

As regulation of law on intellectual property, the mark, trademark or service mark, is one of protected subjects of industrial property right. However, to be protected by law, the owner of mark shall apply protection registration dossier to competent authority prior. When the owner registers and is granted a certificate of registered mark, the owner shall have the exclusive right to label the product, service or both, right to allow others to use the mark throughout mark license contracts, right to assign the mark ownership and right to prevent breaching action from any third party.
However, a certificate of registered mark shall be valid from the grant date until the end of ten (10) years after the filing date. When the validity terminates, in order to continue being the owner of mark, the owner of Certificate shall implement the procedure of extending the protection validity of the certificate. It is important that the owner has to be aware of the time to apply dossier for a certificate extension in accordance with the law.
As regulation of law, time limit of extending mark certificate is prior or after six (06) months from the expiration date of mark certificate. If the extension is applied prior 06 months since the expiration date, the owner shall pay extension fee. If the extension is applied after 06 months since the expiration date, the owner shall pay extension fee and fine for late payment as month.
Procedure of extending mark certificate:
With highly professional staff and great experience in IP aspect in Vietnam, ANT Lawyers would like to support you in extending your trademark or service mark or both in Vietnam.

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 8, 2017

How Foreign Investors Could Handle Intellectual Property Dispute in Vietnam?

Intellectual property disputes in Vietnam

Foreign investor could handle intellectual property disputes in Vietnam through negotiation and mediation, arbitration or litigation depending on various factors.
Intellectual property rights is the rights of organizations, individuals to the intellectual property, including copyrights and related rights, industrial property rights, including trademark, patent, and industrial design and rights to the plant varieties. Under Vietnam intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive right to the intangible assets. Intellectual property infringement occurs whenever the rights of any type of intellectual property are violated. The intellectual property disputes arise directly from all types of intellectual property as mentioned or commercial transactions and extraction process regarding to types of intellectual property such as license agreement, intellectual property transferring agreement.  Disputes could be settled by different methods, depending on the subjective wills of parties. The parties have right to choose any methods that they deem ideal to protect their interests.
Nowadays, international practice allows parties to choose one of two ways to settle their disputes, including dispute settlement mechanism without litigation (negotiation and mediation) and dispute settlement mechanism with litigation (civil litigation and arbitration). Typically, when disputes occur, parties often choose simplest methods before using other ones. The simplest methods are negotiation and mediation.
Negotiation is a procedure whereby parties work together and reach the solution by expressing their own point of views to the dispute. This method is used for small, non-complex disputes so that parties could be easy to reach a consensus about dispute settlement. Though this method is simple, it is hard for parties to shake their hands together and come to consensus. It is simply because each party always need advantages come to them. Besides, for example, if parties reach the consensus in settling dispute, there is no mechanism to ensure enforcement of dispute solution.
Mediation, different from negotiation, the participation of third party is requested by parties. However, the same thing between negotiation and mediation is that parties are sole those holding right to decide what solutions are applied to settle dispute. Despite the third party only act as intermediary, the mission of third party is really important. The third party helps to connect dispute parties and avoid stronger conflict between them. With experience and skills, they make opportunity for parties exchange information, help them express their standpoints, promote flexible solutions and suggest solution suitable for both of them. Of course, a methodswhich the third party proposes is solely recognized as a reference. In mediation, the information security is highly ensured. Parties are not forced to reveal any information that they want to keep as a secret. Besides, mediation helps parties minimize fees due to simple procedure. Moreover, mediation allows opportunity for parties to work together and reach settlement and typically, parties still keep their business relationship. Last but not least, parties can mediate in any period of dispute settling process. Mediation can be chosen as the first step to come to dispute settling process after each side’s endeavor.
After no result of both side’s endeavor, parties can choose one of the dispute settlement mechanism with litigation to settle dispute. Generally, the proceeding of civil litigation is more complex than the arbitration proceeding. In case one side needs a decision from court so as to end infringement, civil litigation is top priority. In the remaining case, arbitration is a choice with advantages. Arbitration is solely conducted when parties reach consensus that arbitration is a form of dispute resolution. Arbitration agreement must be a term of the core contract or an independent agreement.
Firstly, cost for arbitration is typically cheaper than traditional litigation. Attorney’s fees and expense are minimized in arbitration because arbitration is generally concluded in far less time than cases at court. Secondly, length of dispute settling time in arbitration is shorter than litigation in court because of simple procedure. Court cases generally require more counsel time and, thus, more expenses for preparation and trial than is needed in arbitration. Thirdly, settling dispute by arbitration is effective because of its flexibility. In arbitration, parties have right to choose form of arbitration (Ad hoc or permanent). Moreover, parties can schedule hearings and deadlines to meet their objectives and convenience. This flexibility allows parties save money, time and partially promote dispute settling process to be faster. Fourthly, arbitration is a secret proceeding. The decision is public, but the trial is close. This feature of arbitration is a big advantage for dispute involving trade secret or patent. Lastly, arbitration council’s decision is final. It means that contrary to decision of court, most of arbitration council’s decisions cannot be appealed. Chance for canceling arbitration’s decisions is not much, primarily because of basic mistakes about procedures.
Dispute settling method in arbitration is suitable for most of intellectual property disputes because this method meets the featured requirements of intellectual property dispute (multinational, information security, complexity). Mediation and arbitration can combine together in settling dispute. Firstly, dispute is settled by mediation. Then, in case if parties do not reach settlement in mediation, dispute will be settled by arbitration council. The advantage of this combination is that it promotes parties propose goodwill engagement in mediation and after that, will create more advantages for dispute resolution in arbitration.
To summarize, when facing a dispute relating to intellectual property right, foreign investor can handle out dispute through judging exactly about scale of dispute, financial capability, dispute settling time, level of information security because intellectual property is worthy assets that can impact development as well as existence of enterprises.
With highly professional staff and great experience in IP aspect in Vietnam, ANT Lawyers would like to support you in extending your intellectual property in Vietnam.

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Overview of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) System and the Role of WIPO in the PCT

What is the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)?

The PCT is an international treaty with more than 145 Contracting States. The PCT makes it possible to seek patent protection for an invention simultaneously in a large number of countries by filing a single “international” patent application instead of filing several separate national or regional patent applications. The granting of patents remains under the control of the national or regional patent Offices in what is called the “national phase”.
The PCT procedure includes:
Filing: you file an international application with a national or regional patent Office or WIPO, complying with the PCT formality requirements, in one language, and you pay one set of fees.
International Search: an “International Searching Authority” (ISA) (one of the world’s major patent Offices) identifies the published patent documents and technical literature (“prior art”) which may have an influence on whether your invention is patentable, and establishes a written opinion on your invention’s potential patentability.
International Publication: as soon as possible after the expiration of 18 months from the earliest filing date, the content of your international application is disclosed to the world.
Supplementary International Search (optional): a second ISA identifies, at your request, published documents which may not have been found by the first ISA which carried out the main search because of the diversity of prior art in different languages and different technical fields.
International Preliminary Examination (optional): one of the ISAs at your request, carries out an additional patentability analysis, usually on an amended version of your application.
National Phase: after the end of the PCT procedure, usually at 30 months from the earliest filing date of your initial application, from which you claim priority, you start to pursue the grant of your patents directly before the national (or regional) patent Offices of the countries in which you want to obtain them.
How do I protect my invention in several countries?
Patents are territorially limited. In order to protect your invention in multiple countries you have a few options:
Direct or Paris route: you can directly file separate patent applications at the same time in all of the countries in which you would like to protect your invention (for some countries, regional patents may be available) or, having filed in a Paris Convention country (one of the Member States of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property), then file separate patent applications in other Paris Convention countries within 12 months from the filing date of that first patent application, giving you the benefit in all those countries of claiming the filing date of the first application;
PCT route: you can file an application under the PCT, directly or within the 12-month period provided for by the Paris Convention from the filing date of a first application, which is valid in all Contracting States of the PCT and, therefore, simpler, easier and more cost-effective than both, direct or Paris route filings.
Who uses the PCT?
The PCT is used by the world’s major corporations, research institutions, and universities when they seek international patent protection. It is also used by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and individual inventors. The PCT Newsletter contains a yearly list of the largest PCT filers.
What is the role of WIPO in the PCT?
WIPO administers the PCT. It also organizes the PCT Assembly, the PCT Working Group and the Meeting of International Authorities. Further, for each PCT application filed, WIPO is responsible for:
Receiving and storing all application documents;
Performing a formality examination;
Publishing the international application on WIPO’s online database PATENTSCOPE;
Publishing data about the PCT application as prescribed in the Treaty and Regulations;
Translating various portions of the PCT application and certain associated documents into English and/or French, where necessary;
Communicating documents to Offices and third parties; and
Providing legal advice on request to Offices and users.
WIPO also:
Provides overall coordination of the PCT System;
Provides assistance to existing, new and potential Contracting States and their Offices;
Provides advice on implementing the PCT in the national legislation and on setting up internal procedures in the Contracting States’ patent Offices;
Publishes the PCT Applicant’s Guide and the PCT Newsletter;
Creates and disseminates PCT information via the PCT website, webinars, and through telephone and e-mail assistance; and
Organizes and gives PCT seminars and training courses.

What are the advantages of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)?

The advantages of the Patent Cooperation Treaty

The PCT is an international treaty with more than 145 Contracting States. The PCT makes it possible to seek patent protection for an invention simultaneously in a large number of countries by filing a single “international” patent application instead of filing several separate national or regional patent applications. The granting of patents remains under the control of the national or regional patent Offices in what is called the “national phase”.
The PCT System has many advantages for you as an applicant, for the patent Offices and for the general public:
You have up to 18 months more than if you had not used the PCT to reflect on the desirability of seeking protection in foreign countries, to appoint local patent agents in each foreign country, to prepare the necessary translations and to pay the national fees;
If your international application is in the form prescribed by the PCT, it cannot be rejected on formal grounds by any PCT Contracting State patent Office during the national phase of the processing of the application;
The international search report and written opinion contain important information about the potential patentability of your invention, providing a strong basis for you to make business decisions about how to proceed;
You have the possibility during the optional international preliminary examination to amend the international application, enter into dialogue with the examiner to fully argue your case and put the application in order before processing by the various national patent Offices;
The search and examination work of patent Offices in the national phase can be considerably reduced thanks to the international search report, the written opinion and, where applicable, the international preliminary report on patentability that accompany the international application;
You may be able to fast-track examination procedures in the national phase in Contracting States that have PCT-Patent Prosecution Highway (PCT-PPH) agreements or similar arrangements;
Since each international application is published together with an international search report, third parties are in a better position to evaluate the potential patentability of the claimed invention;
For you as an applicant, international publication online puts the world on notice of your invention. You may also highlight your interest in concluding licensing agreements on PATENTSCOPE, which can be an effective means of advertising and looking for potential licensees;
You also achieve other savings in document preparation, communication and translations because the work done during the international processing is generally not repeated before each Office (for example, you submit only one copy of the priority document instead of having to submit several copies); and
If your invention appears to be not patentable at the end of the international phase, you may abandon the PCT application and you will have saved the costs you would otherwise have incurred by directly seeking protection in foreign countries, appointing local patent agents in each foreign country, preparing the necessary translations and paying the national fees.
Ultimately, the PCT:
Brings the world within reach;
Streamlines the process of fulfilling diverse formality requirements;
Postpones the major costs associated with seeking multinational patent protection;
Provides a strong basis for patenting decisions; and
Is used by the world’s major corporations, research institutions and universities when they seek multinational patent protection.

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Please click here to learn more about ANT Lawyers IP Practice or contact our IP lawyers in Vietnam for advice via email or call our office at (+84) 24 32 23 27 71